Your Car Doesn’t Have an Ileocecal Valve, but it does have a system that turns fuel into energy. Your body does the same thing, and just like a car the better the fuel the better the performance. Your body’s fuel is obviously food, and the better the food the better the body. It goes even further. Your car has different fluids that work in different systems and the right fluids have to be in the right place. In your body, you get the best out when the right foods are eaten together.

Digestion is the key to gut health and the health of your body. Your ileocecal valve is the key to digestion and gut health.

If you put the wrong kind of fuel (like gas in a diesel) it’s catastrophic and your car is going straight to the mechanic. The same can happen to you, except it usually takes time for the bad fuel to show up. Does that sound like your body? If you eat a donut does it send you straight to the ER? Typically not. Your body is a living organism and responds differently to what happens to it. All the little things can add up, but this can be easily changed. Slow changes in what you eat and drink can provide changes that lead to better health.

Your body requires a fine balance of nutrients.

That poses the question, what is food? If your body is not a car then food is not just fuel, it’s a little more complex than that. Food is filled with energy, calories, fuel, micronutrients, phytopigments, amino acids, water and more. It’s the vessel for the many nutrients our bodies crave. It’s this variety that breathes life. Let’s look at a couple of them a little more closely.

Micronutrients are a combination of vitamins and minerals that we absolutely need in our diet as they help to prevent our bodies from breaking down. We are talking about minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium and vitamins like folic acid, vitamin K and the many vitamin B’s. Each vitamin and mineral has an area of “expertise”. For example, calcium helps to build our bones, and regulate blood pressure while magnesium transports other minerals and helps to regulate blood sugar.

Phytopigments fill our lives with color. There’s a reason the saying “eat the rainbow” exists, it helps to ensure we consume the many different phytopigments like Beta-carotene (orange), Chlorophyll (green), Phycocyanin (blue) and more. Each delivers a variety of beneficial antioxidant benefits to the body.

For example, Beta-carotene is a carotenoid, a naturally occurring orange pigment found in plants. This pigment is converted to vitamin A in the body, an antioxidant that supports our vision, lungs and immune system. Beta-Carotene is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals. While chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants. It facilitates the absorption of sunlight in plants and is vital for photosynthesis, the process in which plants get their energy from light. This wonderful pigment has beneficial antioxidant properties. It supports cellular cleansing and renews red blood cells.

It’s through our food and supplements that we ensure we are getting the variety of nutrients our bodies require. When your body is lacking, it does not hesitate to let you know and leaves you feeling pretty crummy. When we feed our bodies with proper nutrition, it awards us with mental clarity, lasting energy, glowing skin and more. Food is not merely fuel and our bodies are certainly not like cars. Both are far more complex and amazing!

Our supplements provide the peace of mind to know you have all the nutrients you need for a healthy gut, body, and mind.

Yours in health,

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.”
Virginia Woolf